Summary of White Paper
Since Arometrix’s inception, one thing has been clear: our technical team is devoted to enhancing the Fraction Finder and educating its community of users on best practices. In fact, the team has gone beyond educating and helping; we have talked to customers, listened to their feedback, and created and implemented real solutions.
Today marks an exciting day for everyone involved with the Fraction Finder, and truly anyone involved with distillation. Unlike previous blogs, today’s “blog” is technical, in fact, as technical as it gets. Written by distillation experts and made for distillation experts, the “Fraction Finder White Paper” covers a depth and breadth of information that you can only find from the Arometrix Team. Backed by intensive research and cross-checked by both published authors and business consultants, this report touches on all-things science, all-things distillation, and of course, all-things Fraction Finder.
The first item of the report discusses the boom in distillate and distillation over recent years due to a plethora of reasons. This shines a light on how big of a responsibility Arometrix and processors have in considering the end users – the millions of people that consume these oils. Next, the report details the “Background”. We delve into topics like the purity of oils and a reliable process control to inform everyone about why Arometrix made the Fraction Finder in the first place. Consider the following excerpt from the report to understand the specific need for the Fraction Finder:
“As distillate-based medications continue to enter the market, purity and safety become increasingly important. This includes ensuring a controlled, reliable processing method for companies and employees that handle distillation. Before the Fraction Finder, processors had no clear way to monitor their distillation in real-time. Rather, they relied on eyesight and experience to judge the process quality.”
Toward its conclusion, the report discloses incredible technical details about the Fraction Finder that are definitely worth a read, as they have been kept under wrap until now. Next, it addresses the limitations of the device and a brief, fact-based analysis of alternative technology to the Fraction Finder, such as Infrared (IR) absorption and colorimetry.
This report provides clarification and transparency to the community on what the Fraction Finder can and can’t do. Read the “Fraction Finder White Paper” today and open your mind to a whole new way to look at and understand distillate. Please reach out with any feedback or questions. In the meantime, the Arometrix team will continue to strive toward our vision of becoming the standard for quality monitoring, compliance, and purity of life-transforming plant oils.